Posted by on Apr 21, 2016 Views: 11609

5 Celebrities Who Celebrate Earth Day Every Day

Celebrate Earth Day 2016

Earth Day may only come once a year, but these celebrities show us how to give back like it’s Earth day, every day! Do more than be inspired by their work. Have a hands on celebration of your own. Each celebrity-endorsed cause is paired with a nonprofit doing similar work for the environment that you can support.

1.  Brad Pitt- Eco-friendly Homes for Those in Need

In 2007 Brad Pitt founded, an organization that builds eco-friendly homes for people and communities in need. In true Earth Day hero fashion, the organization also trains local workers in the basics of eco-friendly construction and gardening, skills that keep on giving. If you are lucky enough to live in Kansas City or New Orleans, you can volunteer with directly. If not, you can support your local Habitat for Humanity chapter building energy and water efficient homes in your backyard.

 2. Leonardo DiCaprio- Climate Change and Environmental Education

If you saw “The Revenant” you know that Leo is a fan of the outdoors; after shooting the film, he even planned his own “Revenant”-style survival trip in Mongolia. Leo uses his celebrity voice and passion for the environment to give back every day, including using his Oscars acceptance speech to talk about climate change. If you want to celebrate Earth Day like Leo you need to focus on nonprofits that educate people in order to prevent further damage to fragile ecosystems. Lucky for you, The Vetiver Network International does just that!

3. Gisele Bundchen- Clean Water for All

Gisele is considered the last of the true “super models” and is well known for her contributions to charity. In her hometown of Horizontina, Brazil, however, the only things Bundchen models are solid water conservation practices. Bundchen and her father co-founded The Água Limpia Project to help improve water quality through balanced lifestyles. The project aims to educate the community about pollution and help citizens make environmentally friendly decisions. If, like Gisele, you want to make water conservation your issue this Earth Day, our blog post on 5 Nonprofits Bringing Clean Water to People Who Need it Most is a super place to start.

4. Cate Blanchett- Clean Energy Everywhere

Cate Blanchett’s role in the upcoming Warner Bro’s version of the “Jungle Book” isn’t her only way of saying she’s concerned about our impact on the Earth. Blanchett works tirelessly for, an organization that teams up with nonprofits to get solar power to communities in need. The actress also helped to make the Sydney Opera House more energy efficient, showing that even historical buildings can make powerful changes. To go all out like Cate this Earth Day check out Green Empowerment, a nonprofit that has brought electric lighting to more than 24,000 households!

5.  Robert Redford- Protecting Open Spaces and Environmental Awareness

If you were looking for Robert Redford on the first Earth Day, you would have found him riding a trail through the western half of the US, writing for National Geographic. Redford was one of the first celebrities to champion the environment, and one of his favorite causes is protecting some of the Nation’s most beautiful vistas. The actor and his children started The Redford Center, which turns environmental issues into powerful documentaries.The Open Space Institute is a nonprofit that knows the value of open spaces and works to protect them just like the Sundance Kid.