4 Ways to Support Nonprofits Dedicated to Adult Education

When we think of education, we often focus on children and teenagers preparing for college. Adult education is just as critical—many need support to become more confident in their skills, obtain secure jobs, and sustain a household. Whether due to a lack of educational resources, living in marginalized communities, or other limitations in the U.S., many adults rely on alternative education and community support to advance their careers.
Greatnonprofts has put together a list of organizations devoted to providing educational resources for adults at any age or stage of their lives. We encourage you to take a look at some of these wonderful services and consider offering your support.

Women’s Intercultural Center
Anthony, NM
The Women’s Intercultural Center provides broad services to women in the region of Southern New Mexico and West Texas. Their initiatives include helping women with financial self-sufficiency, food access, wellness programs, personal development, and alternative adult education. The nonprofit serves more than 3,400 women annually, providing them with the tools they need in order to thrive in their lives.
The Women’s Intercultural Center helps out the community in many different ways. They have counseling services, an emergency food pantry, a thrift store, and learning programs. They also provide an ESL class for the participants who don’t speak English, as well as a Spanish citizenship class that helps those that need to get their citizenship. The Women’s Intercultural Center provides a safe and welcoming environment for their participants. –destinyreveles1

Literacy Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Literacy Pittsburgh is a nonprofit dedicated to providing educational services for adults looking to advance their skills. Their services provide developmental support for adults to improve in math skills, reading and writing, family literacy, and high school-level GED exam prep, as well as specialized support for refugees and immigrants. They serve more than 4,500 adults and families per year in Pittsburgh and more specifically in Allegheny and Beaver counties.
GPLC helped me get my GED and get enrolled in college where I got my business degree. It has continued to help me in my job hunt as well as numerous other related dealings. I continue to use GPLC as their staff has been very helpful to me in my time of need. So please, your support is greatly needed and appreciated. I will get to the next level thanks to your support. Thanks and God Bless! –GreggPhillis

CSIX Connect
Saratoga, CA
CSIX helps individuals through job transitions by providing educational services, in-person networking, job searching, and mutual support. They have special interest groups related to biotech, finance, semiconductor, manufacturing/operations, and IT. Their weekly meetings, speaking events, and various programs serve more than 7,000 individuals per year in the Bay Area.
I am extremely impressed with the high standards and quality of CSIX, from the guest speakers to the way the meetings are run. The meetings are professional, punctual, and informative. There is a high emphasis on networking among the members, which is great and much needed in today’s job world. Hamid is a great, down-to-earth, friendly guy who really cares about the group, and it shows.
I look forward to the weekly meetings for the guest speakers and to network/meet new people. –gglover

Umma-Urban Muslim Minority Alliance
Waukegan, IL
The UMMA Center is dedicated to empowering individuals through various educational services. They serve low-income adults and older teens ages 16–65 in the Lake County region, specifically in areas such as Northern Chicago, Zion, and Waukegan. Their organization provides career development, education and outreach programs, tutoring, seminars, financial literacy, GED training, and more to their members. In addition, their Basic Needs program provides a food and clothing pantry for those in need.
UMMA Center has changed my life. The company I worked for for the last 20 years moved out of state. So I found myself without a job, 43 years old, no specialized training, and no computer skills. Thanks to the UMMA Center I’m learning how to use a computer, and increasing my skills. Also at UMMA Center I was thankful to hear of a program called CareerLink. This program helps with job skills, resume building, and interviewing skills. The great benefit is that you have the chance to gain an internship with a company. So thank you UMMA for being here for the community and for making this big impact on my life and family. –juanpadilla