Posted by on Jun 18, 2016 Views: 7289

Father’s Day Giving Guide

This Father’s Day get Dad what he really wants with GreatNonprofits and the #GetGiving guide! Your donation to any one of these 5 nonprofits is sure to make Dad proud!

1. My Hero Project

Why Dad Will Love Them: 

The My Hero Project and Dad make a perfect team this Father’s Day. They both want the same thing: smart, successful kids who work hard to make the world a better place. Your donation will help the My Hero Project inspire kids to be more like their hero: Dad! “It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s SuperDad!”

JJacobs Story: “My Hero changes lives by celebrating the best of humanity. The website is my favorite place to go if I want some positive news, story or media, and I’m never disappointed. You come away uplifted, inspired, and hopeful for the future of a peaceful global community that can work individually and together to tackle and solve whatever problems arise.”

2. Dream Big!

Dream Big Hockey Player

Why Dad Will Love Them:

If Dad knows how to style a perfect braid and throw a perfect spiral, he’ll love Dream Big! Dream Big helps low-income girls join sports teams by providing grants, equipment and clinics. Your donation will contribute to the confidence, health and awesome slapshot of a girl in need.

Christopher A.’s  Story: “Dream Big instilled hope and provided my girls, The Lady Tigers, the necessary equipment to become a fully functioning softball team! Working with girls from the inner city (South Bronx) has been difficult and very challenging due to lack of sports funding. Dream Big was that miracle that gave my girls the opportunity to play.”

3. A Titus Man

A Titus Man, Father's Day, Donation

Why Dad will love them:

A Titus Man has a noble goal: creating young men of character who are invested in their communities. A Titus Man provides mentoring to boys ages 8-18 in at-risk situations. What better way could there be to honor Dad this Father’s Day?

ChristLike’s Story: “A Titus Man is an exceptional organization that provides something crucial for kids; hope. I was thrilled to find an organization that cares so much about changing lives. Our family know through our donations that we are doing something life-changing for ALL of us. I am really thankful that A Titus Man has given all of us this opportunity. It feels amazing knowing we’re not only providing financial support but also hope for a brighter future. We love A Titus Man organization!”

4. Dogs on Deployment


Why Dad will love them:

Dogs on Deployment is easy to love. If Dad is a Vet, supporter of Veteran’s issues, or simply a dog-person, he’ll be proud of your donation in his name. When members of the Armed Forces are deployed they often leave behind members of their furry families. Your donation to Dogs on Deployment will provide them the peace of mind of knowing little “Rocky” or “Rufus” is safe and sound.

CrazySighthoundLady’s Story: “Dogs on Deployment is a very special agency and one I am proud to support. As a former Army wife, and as the mother of a sergeant in Special Forces, I always have a very special place in my heart for those who serve. So these beautiful people found a need and formed a group to fill it! And they’re doing a wonderful job serving the military and their animals! Makes me happy to be able to be a long-term, regular contributor.”

5. Lake Champlain International


Why Dad Will love them:

If Dad’s idea of the perfect Father’s Day involves a big lake and his fishing rod, Lake Champlain International is his kind of nonprofit. LCI sponsors a Father’s Day Fishing tournament every year and offers a program that teaches kids to responsibly catch, clean and prepare their own fish. Your donation in his name will show Dad that he successfully passed on his respect for bass, catfish, and trout!

imbassn’s Story:My first experience with LCI was several years ago for their Father’s Day Derby. I was initially impressed by how family oriented the event was, bringing generations together in support of a great cause. Including the community in their efforts to work towards important conservation goals. I am proud to have such an organization here in Vermont.”