Posted by on Apr 22, 2020 Views: 5437

Save the Planet for Earth Day with Nonprofits That Care

two hands holding a plant

Every year on April 22, people come together for Earth Day, an observance that started as a teach-in on the environment in 1970. This special day offers a chance to focus on creating a sustainable, healthy habitat for people and animals. It also provides the opportunity to learn more about clean living that doesn’t hurt the earth.

Earth Day is celebrated in schools, on college campuses, at businesses, and by all sorts of organizations. People often plant trees on this day or go out and pick up litter on the sides of the streets or at local parks. Some organizations go above and beyond by working to save the earth every day of the year, and we wanted to share some of them with you.

Center for Biological Diversity

Located in Tucson, Arizona, the Center for Biological Diversity is one organization working to make a difference with the environment. This nonprofit believes that the welfare of humans is linked to nature, which means taking care of the animals and plants around us. LA Weekly has described the organization as “pound for pound, dollar for dollar, the most effective conservation organization in the country.”

Photo Courtesy: Center for Biological Diversity’s Facebook Page

The idea behind this group is that securing a future for all species is crucial. It doesn’t matter how big or small the animal, plant, or insect is. The way the organization helps is through the law, science, and media, with a focus on protecting the waters, lands, and climate species need to survive.

NoPlanetB had this to say about the nonprofit, “It is a real honor to be a small part of this great organization. Their willingness to go all in to protect our wildlife and public lands is a true inspiration. The Center for Biological Diversity is a Nonprofit that really cares about our planet and they truly realize there is no planet B.

National Parks Conservation Association

The National Parks Conservation Association is based in Washington DC and has made it a mission to enhance and protect the American park system for current and future generations. The group works tirelessly to preserve and celebrate parks and defense them on the ground as well as in the courtroom.

Photo Source: NCPA’s Facebook Page

One of the primary focuses of the group is educating and empowering Americans to help protect parks. This means creating a park community that is engaged and educated about the importance of the parks. The group is also working to protect and restore parks when threats are detected.

Another thing that is important to the group is ensuring parks have enough money to remain in good repair and stay open. The nonprofit works with the national park service to identify funding services and enhance management in the parks.

Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Working out of Washington DC, the Environmental and Energy Study Institute is dedicated to promoting environmentally sustainable societies. It does work on a nationwide basis with several programs that include putting out educational briefings speaking about climate and energy-related issues.

earth day

Sam W.4 spoke said about the nonprofit, “The approach to sustainable energy and resilience for repeatable and transformable use, of less damaging and more affordable electricity and the generation of, this storable and nationwide achievable balance to all who rely on the conveniences of the 21st century are discussed openly and understandably through your site.

This group also highlights federal programs and policies that can help the environment. It also provides technical assistance to resource-strapped utilities and allows low-income families the chance to finance energy improvements that save them money and keep the environment in great shape.

Art of Recycle

Art of Recycle out of Ephrata, Pennsylvania, is doing something a bit different to help the environment. Its mission involves growing, healing, and developing community through creating recycled art. The group works to inspire the creation of more art and helps in developing art creation skills using items that are readily available around you.

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A teacher in the area had this to say: “As a kindergarten teacher I end up spending a lot of money on materials for the classroom. Art of Recycle is amazing! I always find things that I can use in my classroom. They have everything from art supplies to colored printer paper and plastic baggies. I always leave with my arms full! Thank you for being so generous.

This organization is a resource center open to the public, educators, and families. There are free teacher supplies, a crafting area, and low-cost art materials available. Individuals can use discarded and recycled items to create art and keep from adding more items to the landfill.

If you want to go above and beyond for Earth Day, consider supporting one of these top-rated nonprofits doing good for the world around you. You may find people just like you to socialize with and find ways to ensure the earth stays around for many generations in the future.