Volunteer for These Foundations Offering Grants to Those in Need

Grantmaking foundations have the ability to award donated funds to a nonprofit or individual in need. In order to make this happen, volunteers and advocates must be a crucial part of the process, calling on friends and family members, or those who are service-oriented for help.
If you are interested in dedicating your time and effort to become a helpful part of this process, follow along to learn about these philanthropy, volunteerism, and grantmaking foundations and start making a difference today!

Barth Syndrome Foundation
Larchmont, NY
The Barth Syndrome Foundation is dedicated to saving lives through education, advances in treatment, and finding a cure for Barth syndrome, a life-threatening genetic, multi-system disorder mostly affecting males.
I have seen firsthand how tirelessly BSF works for the good of our Barth family. Educating, informing, connecting, advocating . . . all with great honesty, integrity, dedication, and the utmost compassion. Very thankful to have BSF in our lives!

The Pollination Project
Berkeley, CA
The Pollination Project is a foundation that makes seed grants, 365 days a year, to individual social change agents who seek to spread compassion in their communities and in the world for the benefit of all.
I have had the experience of both being a grantee, and to collaborate as a volunteer evaluating applications. I do think they are changing the world, one small grant at a time. I also think they are very well aligned with their purpose, with their mission, and with what they do, with an amazing and lean managing structure.

Novato, CA
The mission of Okizu is to provide peer support, respite, mentoring, and recreational programs to meet the needs of all members of families affected by childhood cancer.
When our son got sick his older sister felt so left out, sad, scared, and hurt by everything and we sent her to SIBS camp for the first time in 2013. It was the best thing we did for her. To be able to spend a week with other kids like her in the same situation was great. She was able to be a little kid again. As parents, we could never have afforded to send her to a camp like that if it wasn’t free for the families. We did a family camp that year too and it was amazing. Our daughter has gone to SIBS camp for the last seven years and our son went to one camp for the first time this year and loved it. I am very thankful for this amazing healing place.
To learn more about these philanthropy, voluntarism, and grantmaking foundation opportunities, or to discover a program in your area, visit our website and search for nonprofits near you. Thank you for making the world a better place!