Posted by on Jul 19, 2011 Views: 2915

Volunteers, an invaluable asset to nonprofits

Volunteers are a vital resource to nonprofits! No matter their age or the time they are able to commit to, volunteers enable nonprofits to carry out their mission at their best capacity.

GreatNonprofits is happy to feature a few of our favorite volunteering pictures from nonprofits across various sectors.

In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue

Little Helping Hands (July 18, 2011)

Child Family Health International (CFHI)

Women Empowered (Non-Profit Organization)

Learning is for Everyone

CAIN-Churches Active In Northside

?Coping With Laryngomalacia (12/2010)

Greyhound Adoption League of Texas, Inc.'s (GALT)

Share your thoughts on volunteering and don’t forget to review your favorite (or not so favorite nonprofit) on GreatNonprofits!